Overview search engine marketing:-

1. What is search engine marketing?

2. Why search engine marketing is important?

3. How Search engine marketing Works?

4. Type of search engine marketing?

5. SEO vs PPC?

6. About search engine?

7. Search engine Advertising?

8. How to create google AdWords account?

9. What is bidding and how budding is work?

10. What is quality score in SEM?

11. Why Quality score is important?

12. How to create a campaigns and ads?

13. SEO and SEM?

14. Top 10 search engine marketing interview question and answers.

15. Conclusion 

Search Engine Marketing – An Overview

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the best powerful ways to develop your commercial enterprise or business in an increasingly aggressive marketplace.

With millions of organizations obtainable all vying or contend for the same inspects, it is never been better vital to promote it online, and search engine advertising and marketing is the most effective way to promote your product online and grow your Business perfectly and profitable.
In this chapter, you’ll get an overview of search engine marketing basics in addition to some hints and techniques for doing seek engine advertising and marketing right.

Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid promotions or advertisements that come on search engine result pages (or SERPs). Advertisers bid on keywords that users of offerings inclusive of Google and Bing efficacy input when searching for positive products or offerings, which offers the advertiser the opportunity for their advertisements to seem alongside effects for the ones search queries.

These ads, often known via the term pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of formats. Some are small, text-based ads, while others, such as product list ads (PLAs, also known as Shopping ads) are greater visual, product-primarily based commercials that permit clients to peer important facts at-a-glance, which includes fee and reviews.

Search engine marketing’s biggest power is that it gives advertisers the possibility to put their ads in the front of motivated clients who are prepared to shop for at the appropriate moment they’re prepared to make a purchase. No other advertising medium can do this, that’s why search engine marketing is so powerful and such an amazingly powerful way to develop your business.


Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to grow the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the industry time period once mentioned to both organic search sports including search engine optimization (SEO) and paid, it now refers almost solely to paid search advertising.


Rapidly increasing the number of consumers researching and purchasing products online,

Search engine marketing has become a essential online marketing strategy to growing a company’s reach.

Examples Of Search Ad Networks

The two primary search networks that SEM professionals target are Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) and the Bing Ads.

Google AdWords has consists two networks: Google Search Network and Google Display Network. The first network consists limited of search-related websites owned by Google, while the second includes properties such as YouTube, Blogger and Gmail. The Bing Ads allows customers to purchase ads on both the Yahoo’s network of websites and Bing’s network.

While Google Ads is a much larger network (around 2x the size), the pricing is often less on Bing Ads. Marketers may be able to get a good rank for a aggressive keyword phrase for less than they get on Google. And some record that the clickthrough costs are better as well

How A/B Testing Can Complement SEM

Since you are already creating an investment in search engine marketing to transfer visitors to your website, it is a global effort to optimize that traffic for growth and increase the ability of your spending.

A/B trying out your landing pages is an easy manner to maximize your spend, either by way of improving for common order value or revenue per page.

Improving your landing page can increase your Quality Score with search engine marketing networks, thus lowering your common or average CPC.

Optimizely – and other structures like it – will let you effortlessly structure and implement your A/B tests, providing real-time results to offer you confidence in your enterprise decisions. Optimizely has integrations with popular advert networks inclusive of Google Adwords and Facebook that make putting in place ad-related experiments short and easy.

What Is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to grow the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the industry time period once mentioned to both organic search sports including search engine optimization (SEO) and paid, it now refers almost solely to paid search advertising.

Search engine marketing is also alternately introduce to as paid search or pay per click (PPC).

Search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the best powerful ways to develop your commercial enterprise or business in an increasingly aggressive marketplace.  With millions of organizations obtainable all vying or contend for the same inspects, it is never been better vital to promote it online, and search engine advertising and marketing is the most effective way to promote your product online and grow your Business perfectly and profitable.

Why search engine marketing is  Important?

Rapidly increasing the number of consumers researching and purchasing products online,

Search engine marketing has become a essential online marketing strategy to growing a company’s reach.

In fact, most of the people directly search as per keyword on search engine.

In search engine marketing, advertisers only pay for response that result in visitors, making it a profitable way for a company to contribute its marketing dollars. As an added bonus, each visitor incrementally enhance the website’s rankings in organic search results.

Since, customer input search queries with the reason of finding information of a industrial nature, they’re in an impressive country of mind to make a purchase, in comparison to other sites including social media where users aren’t specially searching for something.

Search marketing reaches consumers at completely the proper time: when they’re open to new information. Unlike the majority of digital marketing, PPC advertising is non-intrusive and does no longer interrupt their tasks.
Results are instant with SEM. It is arguably the fastest manner to drive visitors to a website.

How Search engine marketing Works?

Search engines use complex algorithms to established the most suitable result are returned for each search, including location and other available information.

In paid search advertising, finance ads appear at the top of and on the lateral of search engine result pages to gain extra visibility and height than the organic outcomes.

Let’s assume that you are a customer and you are searching a product or service online. You go to a search engine and type in your search condition (keywords).

In your search result page, you’ll come on the multiple types of website ads whose keywords same the keywords in your search.

These ads arrive in outstanding places at the page – along with the another search listings that match your keywords. The paid listings are mostly relateable to your specific search, making it likely that you will click on them.
Now let’s check how SEM campaigns work from the marketer’s perspective.

SEM networks are self-handle operations. Firstly a marketer selects a network, he or she will be able to get a campaign up inside a less period of time.

When a marketer setting up a campaign within an SEM network, the marketer is promoted to:

  • Firstly, Conduct keyword research and pick out a group of keywords related to their website or product;
  • Then select a geographic area for the advert to be displayed within;
  • After that, Create a text-based totally ad to display inside the search results;
  • Now, Bid on a price they may be inclined to pay for each click on their ad.

Text-most effective advertisements are clean to produce. Marketers enter a headline, text for the body of the ad, a call-to-action and a URL for the hyperlink.
Search engine marketing is taken into consideration with the aid of many to be the maximum efficient way to spend advertising dollars.

Types of search engine marketing?

Three Types of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing can be categorized into three types.  They is SEO, Search Engine Advertising, and Paid Submission.

In the industry though, the term SEM refers mainly to Search Engine Advertising. This is because SEO doesn’t include paying search engine companies to get a product on top of the SERPs.

Let’s learn more about each type of SEM to fully understand their differences.

1. Local SEO

Local SEO is a type of search engine optimization (SEO) that target on getting your business listing to show up in Google map result. There is no charges for clicks.

Local search results arrived generally in the middle of the search engine results page (SERP) and stand out because of the existence of a map.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the best way to increase the ranking of a website in the SERPs to gain higher visibility, drive traffic

And also helps a websites boost its leads and transformation.

In SEO, search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing are never paid to get a web page ranking on top of the SERPs. Instead, experts offer SEO services that are created to optimize a website to rank naturally.

3. Search Engine Advertising or Paid Result

While SEO is the means to naturally increase a website ranking on the SERPs, Search Engine Advertising is the way that pays search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, so that an ad will arrive on top of their search results. 

Search engine ads usually arrive on the very top of the SERPs, right arise the natural results. These ads are marked as “Ad” when they show up in the search result list.

According to a study, digital search advertising spending reached $336 billion in the first half of 2020 and is projected to reach $1000 billion in 2024.

Paid Submission is a way of file a company’s information (including its website) to paid online list. These list or directories have editors who manually review submissions. Once arrived these submissions are permanently listed and can help boost a company’s online quotation which can affect its visibility in search engines.

The website owners should submit a consist NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) across all list or directories. This is the best method to improve the efficiency of data that search engines can index about a certain business online.


Search engine marketing consist key differences when considering search engine optimization or PPC. The first is that paid advertisements arrive at the top of the page, above the natural information influenced via search engine optimization. The 2nd is that visitors from natural via search engine optimization is free, whereas site visitors from PPC has a price for each click. In many cases, search engine optimization and PPC work better when unified and significantly adjust.

SEO: Search engine optimization Improve your organic traffic:


It is visibility in search engines for your targeted keywords that puts your business in front of possible customers in much the same way as if you were to advertise, and it drives brand awareness.


It is visibility around commercial search terms and informational demands related to your business area can have a positive branding benefit. Your brand can become connected with and trusted by seekers who are asking questions as they conduct the research that will lead to a purchase. You can become a confident voice around a given topic.

Credibility and trust:

Having your site return in the gradual results can impact your apparent reliability with an audience looking for your services. Many users skip ads and trust gradual results. Getting visible gives your business that all-important brand of approval. Also having strong analysis and status signals in place will deliver further benefit.

Website traffic:

Growing website traffic provides you with more chances to drive alertness for your business and inform a prospect as to why they would buy from you.

Cost per click: Traffic from organic search is a kind of free. Increasing visibility will take time and effort (money), but there is not a direct charge for each impression or click.

Return on investment (ROI):

Gradual search engine traffic can provide an improved ROI over outdated forms of paid media and surely improve upon PPC.


search engine optimization is neither cheapest nor easy, it will normally be greater cost-powerful than all different marketing strategies for turning in brand awareness and related traffic in your website.


Unlike paid search marketing, gradual traffic does not dry up the moment you stop paying. As such, efforts to grow organic traffic can bear a business when marketing spend is hold back.

Improved click-through rate (CTR):

A developed percentage of users click on the gradual results. While there are some omissions to this rule, you will make more clicks from a highly engaged gradual listing than from a highly placed paid ad.

More clicks overall. To maximize visibility and clicks, you will want to have scheduled in the paid and gradual results. Keyword-level research is needed here to see if you are paying for clicks you would get for free or increasing overall clicks and CTR in both paid and gradual — but to truly maximize results, strong visibility in paid and gradual is needed.


There are so many new inquiries every day that to maximize scope, you will need strong gradual visibility. You will not want to pay for all kinds of clicks either or promote every part of the content on your website.

Strategic advantage:

Visibility in gradual search is not quick or easy — which is a good and a bad thing too. Once you have recognized yourself in the gradual results, your rivals can’t simply buy their way in (assuming you have done the things in the right way). This can provide an intentional advantage over the competition if they are depending on paid search.

It is not all rays and bows, though, and there are surely cons to SEO. In many cases, gradual movement can be slow to come by, and you may be eagerly outgunned. If you are just starting out, and the keywords you are aiming to show results controlled by titans like Amazon and eBay, then you may need to reconsider your strategy.

You may also need to develop content possessions to achieve strong gradual visibility. Not all businesses have the internal resources to hold content development, and this can pose a problem. Strategies such as safe, maintainable link building can be difficult to control, and often a plan is needed, along with professional support.

Gradual traffic may also largely come in through informational or pre-purchase research inquiries. This is valued traffic, but a more showed method may be required to support those users to purchase. This is a foundation activity in digital marketing; however, it is not always easy, and it is not a good fit for all businesses.

PPC: PPC Glow-targeted visibility

Position on the page: Paid search controls above-the-fold content. With normally four ads on desktop and three on mobile, a user will always see the paid search ads, even if they select to scroll past them.

Improved ads:

PPC ads are just that: advertisements. As such, you have far more coarse control and more space for delivering your marketing messages. Calls, locations, site links, pricing, and bullet points (callouts) are just some of the options for creating ads that control the page.

Visual product ads:

Wherever you sell a product, Google offers the option of visual shopping ads (Product Listing Ads, or PLAs) that can help a user see what they will be clicking on. This kind of ad can improve the click-through rate by proposing a feature not available in gradual search

Brand visibility:

Running paid search advertisements get you seen by the right people. Even if they retreat and conduct a brand search before clicking to your site, that visibility will pay shares to your marketing.


PPC allows for constricted control of the budget. Determine how much you are willing to spend per day (ideally with some initial and ideal ideas of returns), and set that fixed limit.


PPC provides a laser-directed way to get in front of possible customers. Ads can be directed by search keywords, time of day, day of the week, geography, language, device, and viewers based on previous visits. Gradual traffic, by contrast, is far more unfocused.


While increasing good gradual visibility can take time, a PPC movement can be created in days and ramped up in weeks. There is no faster way to get in front of customers at the very moment they are aware to buy than paid search engine advertising.


Speed provides agility. Want to test a new product? A new marketing message? You can get fast feedback on a new product launch (or minimum viable product) by running a short PPC ad campaign.

Marketing intelligence

Where gradual largely hides keyword data in the name of privacy, there is no such limit with paid search. With conversion tracking and a solid addition with analytics software (like Google Analytics), we can determine what keywords change and at what ratio and cost. This intellect can be served straight into gradual search (SEO) marketing and can inform all other advertising to improve results across the board.

A/B testing:

Easily split-test ads, landing pages, and even call-to-action buttons to control where the very best results lie. Again, this information can be served back into all other digital (and traditional) marketing endeavors.


Ad Words does not suffer the same confusion that the gradual results can suffer from. There are changes, but they tend to have a far lower effect and are more easily managed. Careful use of match types and inquiry of the search term reports allow for the removal of junk search and an increase in ROI over time.


Although what many promoters believe, a PPC account that’s well set up and accomplished can be a low-cost way to make leads for your business. If you are a local business targeting a small geographic area and a small set of keywords, you may find that you can make more than enough hints without breaking the bank. Moreover, over time, accounts can be further enhanced to drive down costs and increase return.

As with gradual search, there are many benefits to paid search advertising or PPC. However, there are also some drawbacks for advertisers to be wary of.

PPC can be costly. It is not always the case, but costs can quickly add up. If you are aiming entire countries or running international drives, those costs can spiral.

Paid search advertising is, as the name recommends, paid — so it requires constant investment. Stop paying and then your ads go away and your lead group dries up. So long as you have a solid purchase cost, then this should not be a problem, but in comparison to SEO, it can feel like a bad deal. Of course, SEO should be constant to keep the opposition at the bark, but gradual traffic can be a little stronger.

There are numerous choices for search advertising with PPC, and creating smart choices here will affect results. If you see product schedules controlling the screen for your keywords, then text ads may not accomplish so well. Likewise, if you run product ads, and only text ads are returned, then these ads may not provide the goods.

It is not rare to get into command wars with other advertisers, which can drive costs up. As you start to run your ads, frequently you are taking a bit out of some other advertisers’ digital apple. This can result in some increase in costs.

Deliberately, PPC is comparatively easy to copy. If a rival notice you are running ads, they can run ads. Your messaging can be copied. Your whole funnel can be easily estimated by competitors. This is the digital promotion landscape, and you have to admit that to some extent.

 PPC needs skilled administration and development:

Since checking offers, Worth Scores, situations, and click-through taxes. Some of this can be done with calligraphies, but if you are too busy to do this properly, confirm you have a professional on hand to take care of keeping your account in perfect shape.

About search engine?

Search Engine refers to a very big amount of database of internet resources such as web pages, newsgroups, programs, blogs, images etc. Search engine helps to locate information on World Wide Web.

User can search for any data by using passing query in shape of keywords or phrase. It then searches for relevant facts in its database and return to the user.

Search engine components

Basically search engine have three main basic components:-

  • Search interface
  • Web Crawler
  • Database

Search interface

This interface basically using interface between user and the database . Search interface helps the users search through the database.

Web Crawler

It is also known as spider or bots. Web crawler is a software component that pass through the web to gather information.


All the data on the web is store in database. It consist huge amount of web resources.

What is search engine advertisement?

Search engine advertising (SEA) is a member or branch of online marketing. An advertisement in the form of text, images, or posters that are posted on search engines such as Google or Bing. These ads then arrive greatly in the SERPs. This approach applies to the main source of income for search engine providers. Search engine advertising is a profitable way to improve and increase businesses and brands, As appearing excessive-high up in the SERPs makes brands and products extra visible.

Search engine advertising is basically a part of marketing and branding strategy. It is important to increase your business name or brands in the overworld. The primary objective of search engine marketing is to increase the click-through rate (CTR), as the number of clicks on a website can instantly increase by the posting of advertisement space. The conversion rate is also important for Search engine advertisement, As it is basically determined how big the advertising charges are, and therefore the ROAS.

Search engine advertising also is used to generate advertising pressure by page impressions from show campaigns. For the maximum part, advertisements are used by clients within the e-commerce enterprise as SEA is geared toward persuading the person to buy. Therefore, one of the major objectives is to grow conversions inside the form of sales.

How to create google AdWords account?

Step-1: Sign up for google AdWords

Firstly you can go the google AdWords home page (ads.google.com)

Now after reached the home page  you will need a google username to use Google AdWords. If any case you have a Gmail account, then you can use your Gmail username, or if you want to create a new google username for the AdWords service, you may do, and so by clicking on the start now button shown below.

You will be taken to the create google account page, Where you can choose the username and password you’d like to use with AdWords.

Step-2: Verify your Account

During Step 1, if you have already a google account or if you decided to use your current google account such that, your Gmail account, to create an AdWords account, so then you don not need to follow this steps. However, if you want to create a new Google account for Google AdWords, so you will be required to verify your account.

After verifying your account with Google, you will be able to sign in using your username and password.

Step 3: Set Up Your First Campaign

Firstly you are signed in to Google AdWords, the system will prompt you to create your first campaign.

If you want to set your campaign setting ( like name your campaign, language, location, network setting, bidding and budget options, etc.)

You will want to provide the following basic information to create your marketing campaign after which click on the Save and continue button at the bottom of the page when you are done.


Enter the amount you’re willing to spend on average each day for this advert campaign. Your finances will help determine how regularly your advert may be shown every day.


Select the places in which you want your ad to appear (location of capability customers).


Select wherein you want your ad to appear. You have a choice to select devices on which you want your advert to arrive or use the default setting.


Enter search term keywords in an effort to cause your advert.


Enter the most you are inclined to pay on your advert.


Enter the textual content of your ad.

Step 4: Set Your Billing choice and Time Zone Information

1. Choose the country or territory wherein your billing deal with is positioned from the drop-down. The other fields naturally update.
2. Choose your Account type (Business or Individual). Continue deciding on the radio buttons and filling in the data in fields.
3. Enter your billing facts (i.E., credit score card details) or use a promotional code.

4. Here is also in which you will set time sector information. Note: Time area and foreign money settings can’t be modified after you install your account.
5. Click Save and continue while you are finished.
There are one-time account activation costs. Account activation fees and payment alternatives vary in step with the foreign money you operate and the vicinity of your billing cope with.

What is bidding and how budding is work?


Cost per click on (CPC) bid is the maximum cost you are active to pay for a click on your ad. This is not necessarily the rate you may pay, as every so often the costs may be lower, depending at the bid. When placing up higher bids you are more likely to be ranked higher and receive more traffic, however, you’ll spend greater money. Lower bids can result in fewer clicks and as an effect fewer conversions.

When putting in place the campaign you want to have clear goals in mind, in which way you need to improve your business. These goals also have an effect on your bid. Advertisers may focus on clicks, impressions, or conversions.

If you are developing a campaign for the first time and you genuinely have no experience in setting up the bid, so that you will must be intuitive and determine the initial bid yourself for the first or primary time.

How bidding is work?

When you set a bid, you basically suggest the most high amount you are inclined to pay, but this is not always the price you may become paying. For example, let us say you set up your initial bid to be $3. This way that the most you’ll pay for the advert being posted is $3. If this bid locations your advert first in the list of ads, and the advertiser under has set up the maximum bid $2, you may additionally pay $2.

While bidding charge is an essential factor for search engines when figuring out the ranking, it certainly isn’t always the only one. Quality score is as equally vital and it impacts the rating of ads, as search engines want to deliver handiest applicable ads. This method that if your best rating is very low, even the high bidding fee won’t help you to rank your ad. Quality rating plays a crucial position on the subject of figuring out the ranking of ads inside the search engine end result pages.


If your awareness of clicks, your strategy requires increasing visitors for your website, and you have to use CPC bidding, as this manner you handiest pay once someone clicks to your advert and visits your website. There are two CPC bidding options on this case:

Automatic bidding – This is an easier solution, and thus it is encouraged for
new customers in Google AdWords. In this case, you set up each day budget and
AdWords application will adjust CPC bids with a view to generate the most clicks with the
available price range.

Manual bidding – If you want to be completely in price of your bids, you will use this option. Here you will be able to set bids for distinctive advert group levels, for exceptional keywords or advert placements, etc. In this case, you’ll be capable of select to bid handiest for the ones advertisements or keywords which can be maximum probable to result in conversions.


The second kind of bidding is the bidding focused on impressions. Unlike with the previous sort of bidding, where you would pay handiest when anyone clicks to your ad, in this case, you’re buying the variety of instances your advert becomes shown to the users. This form of bidding is called value per thousand impressions (CPM) bidding and it means which you pay each 1,000 times your advert appears. This technique is used with Display Network campaign type handiest, and it is ideal for specializing in branding and promoting your emblem and enterprise name.

CPM bidding is to be had for
“All features” subtype, and for remarking options, which can be both used when advertising with Display Network campaign.


The third kind of bidding is the only that focuses on conversions. It is referred to cost per acquisition (CPA) and in this situation you only pay for conversions, also known as acquisitions. This is a advancement bidding method, regularly recommended to intermediate and superior advertisers. First you need to decide what conversion is for you.

 It may be a selected action on your site, such as sign up, visiting a selected page, online purchase, etc.
Even although in this situation you still pay in keeping with click, AdWords will mechanically set bids on your account, in order to maximize the quantity of conversions, as that is the goal you’ve got specified whilst you were selecting the bidding type.

This form of bidding is called enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) and the idea with this bidding alternative is to help you get more fee from your budget. If you use this selection, your bid will improve while it appears that the one’s clicks are much more likely to result in conversions for your website. This function detects the ads which might be more likely to cause sales and it raises bid up to 30% with a view to compete for the ones clicks.

Have in mind that you want to permit conversion tracking to your campaign in order for this option to work. This function is to be had for text advertisements at the Search Network and Display Network, besides cell app downloads.
If you need to allow this feature, go to the campaign for which you want to edit settings, click on the “Settings” tab, locate the option “Bid strategy” and mark “Enable Enhanced CPC”.

What is quality score in SEM?

Quality score is determine the quality of your ads, keywords, and your landing page.  Greater quality ads can lead to low prices and profitable or better ad positions. Quality Score is Google’s rating of the best and relevance of each your keywords and PPC ads. It is used to determine your cost consistent with click (CPC) and multiplied by using your most bid to determine your ad rank inside the advert auction process.

  • In this, you can see your quality score adding through the quality score column to a report, article.
  • Quality Score is reported on a 1-10 scale.
  • Your CTR.
  • Landing page best and relevance.
  • The relevance of your advert text.

Why quality score is important?

Having a high quality score is very vital for running successful campaigns with Google AdWords program. Quality score also plays a chief position in determining the placement of the advert. Having in mind that the effects proven at the top of the web page are most probably to be noticed by way of the search engine customers, it’s miles very essential to be placed as excessive as possible, which may be finished by using growing your first-rate rating.
Google calculates ad ranking the use of a simple formula: Bid x Quality rating.

The quality rating also affects the charges per click, this means that that higher-high-quality score, suggests that you may pay less in your advert being proven. In this case, your advert is perceived as relevant and useful to the customers, which gives positive revel in for the customers and it permits you to run a successful campaign.

How to create a campaign :

A campaign is a lot of related advertisement bunches that are frequently used to arrange classes of items or administrations that you offer. Each battle is focused on an objective that lines up with the primary concern you need to get from your crusades, for example, deals or site traffic. You’ll have to make at any rate one battle before you can make advertisements in your record.

How to create campaign and ads?

Here are the following steps to create a campaign:

  1. Firstly you have to sign in to your Google Ads Account.
  2. After signing in now the menu page will open.
  3. Click on the Campaign from the left side of the menu page.
  4.  Now click on the plus button(+), and then select the option “New campaign”.
  5. After that, you can select either one or more than one goal for your campaign. if you don’t found any goal as per your requirements then you can also select another option that is “Select a campaign without a goal’s guidance”
  6. Now select a campaign type you want.
  7. Then click on the option “Continue”.
  8. And then go on campaign setting “Learn about each setting”.
  9. And at last click on the “Save and Continue”.

How to create an Ads:

Here are the following steps to create Ads:

  1. In the first step, you have to go to the Google Ads Website.
  2. Now you have to choose a campaign type and name for your ads.
  3. Then select on Ads display location.
  4. Now select any keyword according to your requirements.
  5. Now click on the option of “Create ads”.

SEO and SEM?

Firstly in comparison to the SEO and sem, it is important to start with the definition of SEO so that it is clear to everyone what is the difference between SEO and sem.


search engine optimization is the manner of optimizing your internet site for the purpose of getting free visitors or traffic from search engines.

SEO is important due to the fact an optimized  website is without difficulty understood by search engine crawlers and this increases the probabilities of ranking better in SERPS (search engine consequences pages).

SEO have 3 main components of SEO: technical SEO, on-site SEO, and off-site SEO.


Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to grow the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the industry time period once mentioned to both organic search sports including search engine optimization (SEO) and paid, it now refers almost solely to paid search advertising.

Search engine marketing is also alternately introduce to as paid search or pay per click (PPC).

In search engine marketing, advertisers only pay for responses that results in visitors, making it a profitable way for a company to contribute its marketing dollars. As an added bonus, each visitor incrementally enhances the website’s rankings in organic search results.

SEM have three components Local SEM,  SEO, SEA.


S.NO                 SEO                         SEM
1You don’t need to pay for website clicksYou have to pay for website clicks
2It will take a timeFast result
3Long-term benefitShort-term benifit
4Advise for low budgets agenciesAdvise for high budgets agencies
5It shows results as per their rulesYou can use responsive ads and many other ad features
6   Ex-In this you can target a specific country or regions Creating backlinks on high-quality websites, Meta optimization  You can target a specific country or region   PPC AD, Google ADS

Top 10 search engine marketing interview question and answers.

1. What do you understand by Google AdWords?

Google AdWords which is an online advertising service was developed by Google to support the marketers to straightaway reach their targeted customer by running their ads online. Google advertisements are of four types which might be Display advertisements, Video advertisement, search ads, and app advertisements.

2. What do you mean by search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to grow the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the industry time period once mentioned to both organic search sports including search engine optimization (SEO) and paid, it now refers almost solely to paid search advertising.

Search engine marketing is also alternately introduce to as paid search or pay per click (PPC).

3. What factors affect AdWords Quality score?

The factors that can impact the score either directly or indirectly are:-
  • The ad’s Click-Through-Rate (current and expected)
  • Display URLs past CTR
  • The total quality of the landing page
  • The variation in performance on each device
  • d to search term relevance

4. What is search engine advertisement?

Search engine advertising (SEA) is a member or branch of online marketing. An advertisement in the form of text, images, or posters that are posted on search engines such as Google or Bing. These ads then arrive greatly in the SERPs. This approach applies to the main source of income for search engine providers. Search engine advertising is a profitable way to improve and increase businesses and brands, As appearing excessive-high up in the SERPs makes brands and products extra visible.

5. What is quality score in SEM?

The quality score is to determine the quality of your ads, keywords, and your landing page.  Greater quality ads can lead to low prices and profitable or better ad positions. Quality Score is Google’s rating of the best and relevance of each your keywords and PPC ads. It is used to determine your cost consistent with a click (CPC) and multiplied by using your most bid to determine your ad rank inside the advert auction process.

6. Why are we using Google Adwords for marketing?

  • There is no minimal investing, so it is good for small businesses as they have a limited budget. The risk here is less as compared to the other options of advertising.
  • In Google Adwords, we pay only once we get the outcome. With the help of “pay-per-click” advertising, we are paying each time when somebody clicks on our ad.
  • Google Ads come up in front of the potential customer at the exact time when the customer is deciding to buy.
  • Video content gives us nearly 100% growth each year. YouTube advertising is managed by the Google AdWords.

7. What is bidding in SEM?

Cost per click on (CPC) bid is the maximum cost you are active to pay for a click on  you ad. This is not necessarily the rate you may pay, as every so often the costs may be lower, depending at the bid. When placing up higher bids you are more likely to be ranked higher and receive more traffic, however you’ll spend greater money. Lower bids can result in fewer clicks, and as a effect fewer conversions.

When putting in place the campaign you want to have clear goals in mind, in which way you need to improve your business. These goals also have an effect on your bid. Advertisers may focus on clicks, impressions, or conversions.

8. How search engine marketing works?

Search engines use complex algorithms to established the most suitable result are returned for each search, including location and other available information.

In paid search advertising, finance ads appear at the top of and on the lateral of search engine result pages to gain extra visibility and height than the organic outcomes.

Let’s assume that you are a customer and you are searching a product or service online. You go to a search engine and type in your search condition (keywords).

In your search result page, you’ll come on the multiple types of website ads whose keywords same the keywords in your search.

These ads arrive in outstanding places at the page – along with the another search listings that match your keywords. The paid listings are mostly relateable to your specific search, making it likely that you will click on them.
Now let’s check how SEM campaigns work from the marketer’s perspective.

9. How do you improve Google conversion rate?

  • Track the success with the help of Google Ads conversion tracking tool
  • Use particular keywords for getting better conversion rates
  • You can Use negative keywords in order to refine the traffic
  • Use the search terms report in order to reach the target customers
  • Include the prices in the ad to attract the potential buyers

10. How A/B Testing Can Complement SEM?

Since you are already creating an investment in search engine marketing to transfer visitors to your website, it is a global effort to optimize that traffic for growth and increase the ability of your spending.

A/B trying out your landing pages is an easy manner to maximize your spending, either by way of improving for common order value or revenue per page.

Improving your landing page can increase your Quality Score with search engine marketing networks, thus lowering your common or average CPC.


Search Engine Marketing provides an essential job by permitting you to choose the most exact and appealing keywords for your website page and as well as causes you to create the essential traffic. Through your appealing site, you’ll too purchase by putting the ads on your site which are applicable to your internet search engine. Through search engines, you’ll be able to realize how individuals are really managing your objective through their search.

SEM approved SEO and content marketing and gets your brand at the highest of Google, Bing, and every one of the opposite program players worldwide. If you play your SEM cards right.

SEM was once used as an umbrella term for all the world to try to with online search marketing and enclose things like SEO. But marketers have since made the difference between SEO and SEM. SEM now most ordinarily refers to paid advertising within search engines.

SEM Can Increase Brand Awareness. On the basis of Google, search ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. even though ads don’t receive clicks, names are still clearly visible on the highest of the fold, and searchers should read or recognize the product, brand name, or URL once they see the ad. Searchers may also notice when ads include keywords and search terms for competitor brands because the brain tends to match things that are listed side by side.

SEM is a crucial tool for driving website visits and getting more conversions on almost any budget – it’s even more important if you’re an area marketer though!

Local marketing aims to attach regional businesses with the encompassing community that it services.
SEM can provide visual Google Shopping campaigns and call-based campaigns, and is great for local marketing and mobile users. It provides flexibility to advertisers and may even help inform other marketing channels!
It’s important for brands to concentrate on SEM so they will see both immediate and long-term results, analyze that data for better insights, and, in turn, convert visitors into customers.

SEM has the facility to try and do all that and more.